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Thread: Sleepwalking
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Old 08-23-2013, 06:04 PM   #1 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Default Sleepwalking

Has anyone sleepwalked?

I have done it 3 times. Once when I was 15 and got so incredibly drunk that I put my pjs on inside out, got up at 1am and went into my parents room and whacked the TV areal to the ground while talking in gibberish.

The second time I was about 23-24 and apparently got up and asked one of my flatmate and her friends to keep the noise down. The next day she mentioned it to me and I had absolutely no recollection of it. When we fell out as friends she told my other flatmate that I was a lier and she didn't believe the possibility that I was sleepwalking.

The third time was last week. I had taken my sleep medication (which I find out afterwards that it's side effects is sleepwalking) and a glass of whiskey and soda as I thought it shouldn't be that bad mixing them. I apparently got up, sat out the front of the house smoking when my bf came home. He tried talking to me but again I was talking in gibberish and then I fell over inside. Him and my flatmate had to pick me up and take me to bed. While in the bed I was moving around really excessively and moaning/making strange noises and it took an hour before I actually went to sleep (completely asleep I mean).

Now I will be very careful to not mix medication with alcohol ever again because of this and also from reading online that people have gotten into cars and driven, went for walks in the dark and cooked food in the kitchen.
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