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Old 08-23-2013, 07:32 AM   #8 (permalink)
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I think the fact that they all think it's a big joke and are showing no remorse demonstrates that there is something not quite right in their mental stability, so to speak, and that I would not feel safe with these teens among our society. If they are capable of murdering so carelessly and remorselessly at this age, what is going to change when they are an adult?

I think there are certain situations and crimes where juvenile offenders can be "let off the hook" to some extent and rehabilitated due to their age and the nature of whatever their crime was. But in this case, such a cold murder, where they are showing absolutely no remorse and still think it is a big joke... it's just chilling to think that they would ever be allowed back on the streets if they were tried as anything less than what they are.

EDIT: What dj said about the severity of the crimes.
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