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Old 08-22-2013, 08:59 PM   #40 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by Christian Benteke View Post
As long as I can remember.

I have actually been burgled myself where we got properly done over, everything gone and the house had been vandalised. When I arrived at the property, I didn't know if there were still people in the house or that we'd even been broken into as we weren't living there at the time (we had a house fire a few weeks before) and I thought people had broken in a few times and left traces in the garden before this. Can't really say how I'd have reacted if I'd have been face to face with an intruder and I had a weapon. I'd have probably just sh1t myself and ran off as when I realised I was in the house on my own and there could still be people in there, I did sh1t myself. There have been a few cases where an intruder has been killed by the homeowner and the homeowner got off though.

Man who killed burglar walks free - Crime - UK - The Independent

Farmer who shot intruder walks free | Mail Online
Well it isnt a requirement for you to have something, only if you want to. If you are not confident with a weapon then do not use one, but don;t infringe on other peoples right to do so in their own own. I know you didnt say they shouldnt, Im just speaking out loud on the subject.

Originally Posted by Christian Benteke View Post
But if it's OK to have a weapon to attack people in your house, there is a grey area with self defense and excessive force. I don't think it's right to blow someone's head off in anger if they're trying to get away for example. Some people would do that.
Sure it is a grey area here in America as well. My state however has the stand your ground and castle laws which basically say as long as it happens in your house and cant be proved malicious then you will not go to prison. If someone breaks in doesnt hurt anyone and is running away and you shoot them in the are still going to prison. I think the law is pretty good but leaves some grey area for sure. The big trial is the zimmerman one here in the states. Who the **** knows what really happened or who was in danger. They could not find enough evidence to say what Zimmerman did wasnt out of self defense so they let him go.

Originally Posted by Christian Benteke View Post

I can see both sides to the argument but I'd rather be burgled again than shot. If someone enters your house you can get out. If guns fall into the wrong hands then innocents can be killed and guns shouldn't be able to fall into the wrong hands.

Fair enough.
I see what you are saying, and you have the right to not carry or own weapons. I think their are sick sick people out there who will hurt you, however small the chance I want to have people in my house with a weapon who are trained to use so. I bet your opinion would change if someone sat you down practiced gun safety and helped you shoot. The media paints guns/knives as these evil items, when instead many of the anti-weapon folk could simply learn or become proficient with one and they wouldnt have a problem. Maybe I am living in a dream world however...who knows.
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