Originally Posted by Christian Benteke
Yeah that's what I was gonna say, it has caffeine in.
Re: weight loss, I don't think it will negatively affect it but I've seen conflicting studies saying it will or won't speed up metabolism. Overall I'd say it's relevance to weight loss is that of or equivalent to coffee's relevance to being a diuretic and counteracting creatine's water retention i.e. fuck all.
If you want to strip water you need real diuretics. If you want to lose fat you need to sort your diet out. Green tea isn't gonna do anything imo.
Green tea does have benefits in terms of weight loss, if you are substituting an unhealthier drink for it. Many people give up their regular coffees which include milk/sugar, or sugary drinks, or other things and replace these drinks with green tea, which in turn will help you to lose weight

So I guess if you are using green tea as a healthier alternative to something you used to have every day - it's going to be a helpful change.
But if you're just adding green tea into your diet as an additional beverage it's not going to do anything...