Music Banter - View Single Post - Was Korn's debut album the darkest, most ground breaking metal album of its time?
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Old 08-21-2013, 04:37 PM   #3 (permalink)
Soda Pop Fu
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Originally Posted by Ninetales View Post
In the Nightshade Eclipse came out the same year, so no. Im actually confused on your question to be honest. Youre asking if it's the "most groundbreaking metal album of its time" but then say "it shouldn't compared to traditional heavy metal or death metal because it is a completely different style"
Yeah I worded that kind of confusing. What meant is that I'm not looking at its technical quality and how "good" the songs were which is what people usually do when comparing them to other metal albums of the time. Instead I'm just referring to its unique musical style and the darkness of the album, in both the vocals and the guitars (guitars were much darker and more haunting than the metal of the 80's that I've heard). Death metal stuff was very dark too, but a lot of it felt like a gimmick and was centered around the occult. Korn had a more personal darkness that I just haven't really heard on a hard rock album before. Their style and rhythm was incredibly unique too, and I don't think the bands they are usually compared to (Pantera, Helmet) are that comparable at all. It spawned a new style of metal/rock, and opened up a genre for some really dark personal lyrical content. What other hard rock/metal albums had that effect in the early 90s?

Last edited by Soda Pop Fu; 08-21-2013 at 04:49 PM.
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