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Old 08-21-2013, 10:44 AM   #218 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
More suggestions guys! I'm heading to NY Comic Con and I'm going to pick up some comics and graphic novels. Taking all suggestions. Has anyone read Locke and Key? I have heard good things about it. Also this other one called Chew.
If you haven't read Transmetropolitan or Preacher I would highly recommend those two series' off the Vertigo imprint. The former is basically follows the adventures of a cyberpunk Hunter S. Thompson armed with a gun that makes you crap yourself (not out of fear or anything, you get shot with it and your bowels releases). The latter is a comic about a foul mouthed, hard drinking preacher who gets embedded with the power to make people do whatever he tells them to (The Word of God) and sets out on a global trip to find God and make him pay for abandoning his creation.

Oh also if you find any collections of The Maxx they're also well worth your time, probably the only decent thing to come out on the Image publication back in its early days.
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