Originally Posted by blackdragon123
If you found it amusing to watch a programme about a family in a drug crisis being exploited (or should I say, ransacking their dignity) for entertainment purposes. A family led by a father who (at the time) was struggling with addiction and has a history of depression. Christ
referring to the osbournes???
that was the purpose of the show and why it was so successful because of the dysfunction of that family. dont try to guilt someone over it man
ummmm to answer the original post i think in general people would think these guys lose credibility if it wasnt so common place. i think a lot of ppl consider it selling out and not being true rock or whatever but its just so common.
i personally dont care because i never take the images of any musician seriously since its all kinda gimmicky and exagerated. thats why i dont have a problem with ice cube selling out, cause i never considered him a real thug anyways. though i think once you cross a line its hard to go back with image.
most the guys on shows are out of their primes so it doesnt matter much but its hard to take ppl like ice cube seriously with gangster lyrics after bein in kids movies. again i realize its an image but the illusion is gone.