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Thread: Human Behaviour
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Old 08-19-2013, 03:08 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
My roommate constantly texts while she drives on the basis that "she's not looking at the phone". However, psychologically, what's dangerous about texting and driving isn't where your eyes go, it's where your mind goes. You simply can't process those two different situations at the same time, leading to inattention on the road as you think about the message you're sending.

She never listens to me though, just gets angry with me when I bring it up. It's going to take her hitting a dog or another car to smarten up.
Texting and Facebooking while driving is even worse than taking a phone call. At least when you're on the phone talking to someone you don't have to look at the screen as well as the road except when you are accepting the call. But in both cases your mind isn't entirely on the road and you only have one hand free to drive.
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