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Old 08-18-2013, 07:32 PM   #9829 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife View Post

Accelerated Evolution - The Devin Townsend Band

I first got into Devin Townsend because of some member posts on MB and even though I instantly took to Ki (Devin Townsend Project) and even went to see one of his gigs, for whatever reason I never listened to any of his other albums. I mean none, not from any of his projects or other bands. Sometimes it's easy to get overwhelmed with the idea of listening to lots of new stuff from different bands. Anyway, I was perusing a metal forum the other day and saw this album recommended because of the song "Storm". Checked it out on Spotify and instantly fell in love. "Storm" turned out to be an awesome track, but I really dug "Deadhead" even more. I see now I've really been missing out by not exploring more of Devin Townsend's work. I started listening to Synchestra after AE and just wanted to keep going from there. If anyone has any recommendations for what to listen to next, that would be sweet.
I've just received the DT bug through Ki (the member not the album), and only because in a rush of kindness I bought "Epicloud" for him (cheapo cheapo from my favourite album vendor) because he couldn't afford it. A few weeks ago I realised it was on my hdd, tried it and HOLY GOOD GOBLIN IN THE CLOUDS it is amazing! I'd definitely recommend it. Will be listening to more soon.
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