Originally Posted by Dr. Rez
Perhaps I mistyped. That part is the part I meant to say.
"In every instance in my life when I have not replied back, barely called, given almost 0 attention, had other options...is when nearly every girl becomes more attached and wants more. This is the case with nearly all my friends and certainly does not happen often the other way around with guys. I am not saying guys are all level headed blameless humans, just that in this arena females act almost primitive based off instinct instead of logic."
That is the way the majority act that I have come across, label it however you want. Also being a female you also have no first hand experience or unbiased opinion since you are female. I can not see any male members disagreeing with this. And dont get me wrong guys have their share of hangups that im sure are really annoying and seem very childish to females...but I am just speaking on this one issue of only wanting something you cant have.
Fair enough

And yeah I guess it works both ways, because I'm not most female members on this site would be able to list the hangups of the male gender and use a sweeping statement to agree that all males are something something