Hello! I'm ParanoidAndroid, or John, if you prefer. I'm sixteen, and I live in the USA.
If my name wasn't a dead giveaway, I'm a big Radiohead fan. Keeping an open mind is important to me, and music is no exception to this. I always enjoy finding different things to listen to, both new and old! Because of this, I can't really say I have a favorite genre of music. A majority of what I listen to might fall under "rock", but I like to listen to anything. Unfortunately, as I am a younger person, I have not had the experience of listening to older music. There are a lot of "classic" bands/albums that I have been trying to catch up on, such as The Doors, Pink Floyd, etc.
As of posting this, some of my favorite albums are as follows:
OK Computer - Radiohead
Kid A - Radiohead
Closer - Joy Division
In The Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
Funeral - Arcade Fire
The Moon & Antarctica - Modest Mouse
Mezzanine - Massive Attack
Madvillainy - Madvillain