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Old 08-15-2013, 05:03 AM   #149 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Did I not already do this one? And the Waterboys? Oh well: getting hard to differentiate between the reviews I write and the ones I post. On we go then...

Title: Graceland
Artiste: Paul Simon
Year: 1986
Chronological position: Seventh album
Previous experience of this artiste?: No albums but singles and of course Simon and Garfunkel. I've also heard his greatest hits and liked it.
Why is this considered a classic? This was a breakout success for Paul Simon, with its utilisation of African and World music, and turned the spotlight on some hitherto unknown or at least unrecognised African artistes like Juluka and Ladysmith Black Mambazo. Mind you, Simon was lambasted by many in the anti-apartheid movements for being seen to break the embargo on working with South African musicians, which set him at odds with, among others, the powerful ANC.

My thoughts
One minute (or thereabouts in) ---- Good, great, bad, meh, still waiting or other? Great
One track in --- Great
Halfway through --- Great
Finished --- Great

Comments: As I mentioned in the note to this album originally, when I first heard this album decades ago I didn't really like it; truth to tell I didn't really listen to it at all, which is why I'm including it here even though technically it's a classic album I have heard. I want to see if, with the benefit of older, less naive ears I can "get" it. Okay well I'm halfway through so far and I like everything I've heard up to now. Ah, the difference twenty-five years makes!

Favourite track(s): The boy in the bubble, Graceland ... ah to hell with it! Everything here is great!
Least favourite track(s): Nada

Final impression --- As I say, what a difference 25 or so years makes! I obviously was not properly equipped to appreciate this album when I first listened to it. Now that I have had another crack at it, its splendour has been revealed to me and I finally see the light!

Do I feel, at the end, A) I wish I had listened to this sooner
B) I'm sorry I bothered
C) I might end up liking this
D) Have to wait and see
E) Bit underwhelmed; was ok but a classic?
F) Definitely enjoyed it, but again would I consider it a classic?

After all these years, A!
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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