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Old 08-15-2013, 01:38 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Weird, I always found Session 9 to be just Bad, and not because the capital B means B as hell (although the B actors sure didn't help things). My favorite parts of the movie were when the actors weren't even there. That's at least something to say.
See, I thought the characters and the acting was basically the strongest part of the movie, at least next to the cinematography and overall atmosphere as well. Just goes to show how movies can mean anything to anyone. I mean, I liked Titanic, so I'm certainly no arbiter of conventionally 'good' taste in film or anything.

Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Jacob's Ladder, though, that is in a whole different ballpark IMO and I don't think that should even be in the same recommendation.
A different ballpark from Session 9 as an individual film, yeah. I'd say it's worth watching if it's a good, mysterious and deeply psychological horror that anyone's after, similar to the atmosphere and tone I got from watching Session 9. At least, that's what I got from it anyway.

Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I'd recommend Jacob's Ladder as a primer for watching Lynch movies or something, then going further. Maybe as far as The Holy Mountain, although that kinda diverges into uncomfortable at points.
I guess there really isn't a logical progression, but if there would be, I wouldn't consider Session 9 to even be in the logical progression of anything other than maybe a progression that peaks at the original Evil Dead and righteous cheese.
And as for Session 9, if we're talking logical progression, I'd put it alongside films like the Shining and the Changeling. Again, it's just me though.

And yeah, Ivan, it's a UK film. Definitely worth a shot
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