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Old 08-14-2013, 10:40 PM   #5 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post
Everyone I've recommended Session 9 to has gone on to watch and love it. It's like the XTC of films.

Picnic At Hanging Rock's got a great atmosphere to it - really mysterious and eerie, should maybe check that out. Jacob's Ladder's another one too. There's a Norweigan film called Naboer (Next Door) as well.
Weird, I always found Session 9 to be just Bad, and not because the capital B means B as hell (although the B actors sure didn't help things). My favorite parts of the movie were when the actors weren't even there. That's at least something to say.

Jacob's Ladder, though, that is in a whole different ballpark IMO and I don't think that should even be in the same recommendation. I'd recommend Jacob's Ladder as a primer for watching Lynch movies or something, then going further. Maybe as far as The Holy Mountain, although that kinda diverges into uncomfortable at points.
I guess there really isn't a logical progression, but if there would be, I wouldn't consider Session 9 to even be in the logical progression of anything other than maybe a progression that peaks at the original Evil Dead and righteous cheese.

Maybe it's just me.
You're definitely not the first person that I know to prop Session 9. I've been not liking that movie since it came out, and I seem to be largely alone on it, so it's probably just me.
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