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Old 08-14-2013, 09:03 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
Although a lot less well-informed, I agree with Gregor XIII and clutknuckle too: there`s a lot more bad out there than good.

Is this the right place to mention Walter Carlos, who did some quite respectful transpositions of classical music to the moog synthesizer back in the early days of electronica ?
I agree, a lot more bad then good. But then, I'd go so far as to say that most classical music in general is, if not out-right bad, mainly bland and/or derivative. Any genre, in fact. That said, composing certainly takes more dedication than remixing/adding beats.

The topic seems to have split into two topics, remixes, and classical with electronics. The former, I will agree, has to be VERY well done to be interesting.

The latter, I happen to love. If we're talking well done modern music, composed for synthetic or electronic instruments, I'm all in! (Go figure, that's a lot of what I've been writing lately...)

Anyway, there's my two cents. Re-mixes should be approached with as much taste, passion, skill, and creativity as original compositions, and I firmly believe that Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, and Chopin, and certainly Ravel, would have KILLED for access to even the most basic MIDI technology of today. Can you imagine what Stravinsky might have done, had he made it to the 80's, or if he was somehow still composing today???

Thanks for the interesting topic and dialectic!

Interesting side-note, I believe it's Wendy Carlos at this point. I though they were two different people for a while...
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