This band is my favorite band for so many reasons. I personally enjoy high pitch singing styles (hence Rush, Led Zeppelin) and for me Rose's style of singing is one of the most energetic, angriest styles I've heard. His ability on stage to captivate and thrill the audience is great too. The guitar riffs always amazed me as none of them ever sounded the same, but they always sounded amazingly unique. Like "how has nobody thought of that yet?" sort of thing. The song writing (as childish as it did get during the Illusion albums) never felt artificial, it never seemed as though they wrote a song just to have the song.
Currently my favorite song by them is Breakdown, a genius song overall. Locomotive is a close second behind it. They have so many great songs. My favorite album is Use Your Illusion II. Breakdown, Locomotive, Estranged, Civil War, Yesterday, 14 Years, and so many other great songs on one album?! It's also their slowest album really, so many ballad-sounding songs on it. My 2nd would have to be Appetite, as mainstream as it is. The album is what got me and every other fan into them, and it's one of those albums where you could pick any song from it and it would sound amazing. 3rd favorite is Use Your Illusion I, great album, some amazing riffs and absolutely stunning song writing on it. Bad Apples, Right Next Door to Hell, Coma, Perfect Crime, all amazing songs. Probably their hardest album as well. 4th favorite goes to Chinese Democracy. Musically and lyrically this is by far their greatest album. The main reason people didn't like it was because it wasn't the original Guns N' Roses. Look past that, it's an amazingly written album with some very catchy and enjoyable tunes. Next would have to be Lies, it's an acoustic album with 4 live songs, and 2 covers, so not much going for it. I do find the acoustic version of You're Crazy to be 100x better than the original. Last would be Spaghetti, and I feel that goes for everyone haha. Don't get me wrong with the list, I absolutely love all of their albums, this is just the order I would suggest to buy their albums if you want the best experience.