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Old 08-13-2013, 12:55 PM   #94 (permalink)
Burning Down
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Originally Posted by Tumor View Post
I really want accutane. Did you get any side effects?
Not anything severe. While you're on it your skin will be dry so no waxing or anything like that. It regulates the oils that cause acne and once you get off it your skin won't be dry anymore and your acne will be pretty much gone. Some people need two courses but that's it. Each round is about 4 or 5 months.

Don't take it if you're pregnant because it will cause birth defects. So your doctor might ask if you want birth control too if you're not already on it. Also it says on the box that it might cause depression while you're on it, but that's extremely rare.

When you're on it your doctor might require you to do a blood test every couple of months because I think it causes triglyceride levels to go up in your bloodstream. It's not going to clog up your arteries or anything though, don't worry.
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