I've tried to avoid giving skincare advice because my skin is nowhere near where I'd like it to be but I do know some things.
THINGS THAT WILL GIVE YOU ACNE- Sugar. Not just in lollipops, sugar in starches (hate that word) and hidden in the ingredients of processed foods too. Sugar breaks down the collagen in your skin.
- A dirty pillowcase, dirty hairbrush, or dirty makeup brushes.
- Putting on your makeup with your hands.
- Touching your face with your hands.
- Moisturizer that is too oily. (Bio Oil faded my dark circles a little bit but broke me out all over my face.
- Not washing your face after you workout.
- The hormones in animal products. It's kind of known that milk does this but I'm convinced that meat does too.
- Not taking your makeup off (this is obvious), or CLENSING after you take your makeup off. (I was too dumb to do this for years).
- Dead skin buildup definitely causes dulling skin but I'm conviced it causes acne too.
- Sunscreen that isn't zinc oxide. Other chemicals will clog your pores ike the dickens but zinc oxide doesn't, AND it's actually supposed to be really good for getting rid of your acne! (no miracles yet for me though.)This is the one I use. It's good, not great, probably because it's only 4% zinc oxide. If I was made of money I would definitely try another one but it's the best drugstore sunscreen I've ever tried. Do not believe the labels that say "Won't clog your pores!" or "For sensitive skin!". I have tried so many sunscreens. The front labels will lie to you. Turn it over and read the damn ingredients.
If you are rich, I hate you and want to vandalize your yaught. But you should try Shiseido sunscreen. Apparently it's the best of the best. Dita Von Teese uses it.
- Stress. (lol, unavoidable, I know.)
I'm not a dermatologist. If you have bad skin and good health insurance, you should definitely go to one.
If you have money to spend on stupid stuff like skincare, then send it to starving children in Africa. LOL, jk, you're a capitalist pig! Buy a clarisonic skin brush. I got one for Christmas and it makes my dull, gross skin look healthy and refreshed. I don't change the brush enough which is probably why I still get breakouts. -_- Don't take it from me.
Most of the reviews are glowing. I wouldn't suggest buying it from Amazon though. Looking through the reviews, some people are saying they got fake Clarisonics.
I had the
Sally's clarisonic dupe for a while and I would probably still be using it except I swear that when I tried to change the batteries the damn thing was leaking. I don't know how that works, I don't know what kind of stuff was leaking out of it, and I have no idea if it was as dangerous as I assumed it was but I wouldn't suggest buying one of these if you care your fingers. lol.
I don't have a product I stick to. I used to leave Noxema on my face all night and wash it off in the morning, which worked pretty well except I couldn't find a night time cleanser/makeup remover that worked well with it. It was also very drying. Noxema is very useful, very wonderful stuff and I would recommend it to anybody looking for skincare products on a budget.
Here is an article about things you can use noxema for and
here is the article that made me go out a buy a tub of it. I still use it as a mask occasionally but the
Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque is pretty good as well. I've found that Noxema works better for overall skin improvement but the Mint Julep mask is better for clearing acne.

Note that both of the products I'm recommending are older than dirt. I've found that if a product has been around forever, it probably works. Ask your grandmother for reccomendations!
Also note that all the products I have listen contain parabens, which will probably give you cancer. I've never had cancer but I hear it really sucks. Luckily,
hippie bullshit skincare is an option. Hippie bul
lshit skincare is mostly new to me. So far I've been using a homeade sugar scrub in the shower and aloe vera as a night cream and my face has gotten a little better. No miracles have happened.

On the bright side though, I don't have cancer. (I'm the cancer that's killing musicbanter but that's different I guess.) One hippie bul
lshit thing I've been doing forever and would recommend to anyone is a honey mask. Honey is strange. It can moisturize dull skin AND dry out pimples. I was usually just lazy and covered my whole face in honey or used it as a spot treatment but
there are a lot of things you can mix it with that will make it work better. I do not have all the time in the world and I'm not a guinea pig, so you're on your own with figuring out the mix ins. Good luck.
(Oh, make sure it says "RAW" on the label. The **** in the bear jars has high fructose corn syrup in it.)
Even though I don't like most of you very much, I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't warn you about some things:
1. A lot of essential oils will fu
ck up your skin. Do research before you put them on your face. Some will BURN YOU.
2. Lemons will burn you. I would dilute it first and test it on...idk, your arm or something. I've read some articles that say lemon juice is awesome and you should just bathe in it or something. Don't do that unless you want to come out looking like Freddy Krueger. Every comment section of those articles has people yelling and screaming about how you should be careful with it. Lemon juice is nothing to f
uck with.
3. It makes me so angry to write this.

Toothpaste allegedly dries out your pimples. Well, I tried this and it burnt through a couple layers of the skin on my chin. Now I have discoloration there that I haven't been able to completely get rid of. I DID THE TOOTHPASTE THING MORE THAN A YEAR AGO.
You absolutely should research things before you commit yourself to them. I'm just some person off the internet, off of a f
ucking music forum. You're in front of a computer. Do some googling for christ sakes. Makeupalley is a website I use to research products before I drop my money on them. It's a wonderful tool and you should utilize it.
Anyway, later losers.