Originally Posted by Trollheart
Why are you all jumping on The Big3? All he said was that HE wouldn't post what he considers insults or offensive remarks here. I said the same, and so did Astronomer and no-one's jumping down our throats. It's just an opinion: he didn't say that no-one should do it. Everyone's allowed an opinion. Personally I stated mine with regard to the thread, doesn't mean I don't expect someone else isn't going to vent. Fair enough if they do. But you can't start getting on someone's case just because they air their opinion. And where does Big3 make a point that it's his way or the highway? That's just overstating and misunderstanding his comment.
See, I stated my opinion but it's not okay with you because you disagree with it.
I aired my opinion based off of other interactions that I have had with him over the past few days. You don't follow every single conversation that we have had. You haven't followed all the conversations in different threads and the shoutbox. Do you even know that the shoutbox exists? serious question not trying to be sarcastic. Alex followed up with a joke, he's not jumping on anyone and Tumor made her comment but I would hardly call that jumping on anyone.