Originally Posted by bob.
i think i can honestly say that were it not for Rudimentary Peni i would not have nearly as much interest in punk music as i do now....they are by far my favorite band in the genre....for a band that is really not that complicated they have a sound which none replicates
i think its weird though that very little attention goes to their later albums....don't get me wrong both the early EPs (more so with Farce) and Death Church are amazing but in my opinion Cacophony is their opus and the later EPs....Echos Of Anguish, The Ubdercalss and as Fred mentioned No More Pain and a bit slower but much more brooding than the earlier stuff
i also think its amazing that with two lyric writers who both have very different agendas seem to blend so perfectly that at times it's impossible to tell who wrote what and from what perspective
also Mondo if you have not already i strongly suggest you pick up Nick Blinko's book The Silent Screamer....a sort of HP Lovecraftian horror fantasy/auto biography told from the point of view of the main characters psychologist
I would agree on Cacophony being pretty stellar. I find in general DC and the EPS more to my liking however. I think Cacophony seems a lil jumbled in stages, but I certainly think Blinko's lyricism was at its highest level with that album. I tend to like anything RP and not just for the sake of it, but rather it seems to embody what punk sound should be. As you said, I don't really think I would have fallen so much in love with the genre without the likes of RP and also DOOM.