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Old 08-05-2013, 09:25 AM   #107 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
My first car was a manual. Honda Civic 86, Hatchback... of all things. After I let the water pump die without replacing it, I drove it home one day to its smoky death on Bryan Dairy road in Florida, right near Largo. In my defense, the hood release latch broke, so I couldn't open the hood to do things. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but all I have to say is that bridges were unnecessarily retarded with a manual during traffic.
I had an '89 Civic Hatchback in the late 90's. It had a Rockford Fosgate 1200w amp with 2 16" Piledrivers (woofers/horns/tweeters all in one box) in the hatch. You could sit in the back seat and get a massage with the right tune on (Crystal Methods' Vapor Trail was a good one), and the rear view mirror would do a little dance. Sadly, a 17yo girl went to make a left, saw me and stopped right in my path. Out of the girl, her friend, my daughter and me, noone was hurt, but the Piledrivers tried to make their way to the front seat. If she'd have kept going, I'd likely still have it. Well, maybe not.

And yeah, it was a manual trans. I had 6 vehicles in a row, all manual. The worst encounter with a manual truck I had was stopping on a hill at a stop sign in the snow. I had to back up down the hill, and gun it. Hoping noone was crossing the intersection. Luckily it wasn't a heavily traveled road.
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