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Old 08-03-2013, 10:16 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
Lyrically or production wise? I respectfully disagree. His subject matter is very elementary and generic. I have a hard time understanding how you would find the lyrics on the album mature. His subject matter is very formulaic and doesnt go broad into other mature topics. There are songs on this album that sound like FS/LS. FS/LS wasnt a commercial album either.
I should have been more specific. The production has a more mature sound but yes the lyrics conflict with it. Sure, he didn't contribute to producing it himself but he's still associated with it because it is his album.

Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
Let me start out by saying that I ADORE long songs. One of my favorite songs is 12 minutes long. I dont think it serves a purpose to run a song longer than what is necessary if there are no artistic things going on in those added minutes. It can be detrimental to the song if a song is made longer than what it should be. It just seems like he purposely ran certain songs longer so they could be long. I didnt hear any inspiring things going on in those extra added minutes.
I disagree with you on this part. The last two to three mins of certain songs turned out to be my favorite parts of the songs.

Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
Thats the thing, there ARE current artists that are artistic and that use REAL instruments in their music. There are some that get heavy R&B spins ALL the time on the R&B stations but the media isnt hyping them up, why do you think that is? Its one thing if he was doing something that NO ONE out now is doing but there ARE and alot that do it better and play real instruments.
It's not just because he's white if that's what you are thinking. He's getting the media hype because he's always had the media hype from back in his Nsync days and him breaking out as an actor. It's called branding. Oh I just got further down and you touch on part of that but yeah that's also another reason.

Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
Wow, I think the reason why the media hyped the album up is because he hasnt put out an album in 7 years and Justin is a media darling. Its also not bad to have a good marketing team behind you either.
Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
The album is descent. Id give it 3.5 stars. I would have given it a 4 if real instruments were used and stronger lyrical content was there. They make it seem as though he is doing something that has never been done before when there are artists that make this kind of music ALL the time.
When he performs the songs live in concert you get a better feel for the songs because he DOES use real instruments.
Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
They also were comparing him to Sammy Davis Jr, MJ and Stevie Wonder which I think is a joke.
Yeah, I think Manky does that just to rile people up but you'll have to ask/talk to him about that.

Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
I dont have a problem with this but I do have a problem with the media implying that this "sound" he is copying is innovative when he is basically copying 70s and 80s singing style and sound.
I'm pretty sure the reviews that I have read gave credit where credit was due and talked about how this sound was related to others that have come before.

Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
I agree with all of this and dont have a problem with it. However, its also not good for younger audiences to assume what JT is doing is "orginal" when it is not. They are only assuming that based off what the media is marketing and adverstising. I think its good for young people to be exposed to both spectrums. I am fornuate enough to have been exposed to alot of those artists growing up because if I wasnt I probably would think the same thing.
If they are thinking/assuming it is his original sound when they go to do research they will be surprised and find out all these other artists that have similar music/sound that they are currently enjoying so it's a win/win.

Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
LOL. D Angelo is one of my favorite artists at the moment which is why I bring him up alot. He has an album coming out this fall that I am excited about. That man plays most of the instruments in his music, writes, arranges, produces the whole shabang himself. His music is heavily inspired by Prince and he incorporates alot of funk, soul, R&B etc *Fingers crossed* He hasnt made an album in 13 years. Hopefully the news is real that he is coming out with that album this fall. And you're right it was a bad move for him to go naked in that video. It really took the focus away from his talent and music. Another artist I love is Janelle Monae,ugh I love her so much lol I am going to make a thread on her soon here but not sure what forum to make it in because her music is so eclectic.
There might already be a Janelle Monae thread but put it in the section where all other R&B goes. I'm looking forward to her album coming out soon as well. I really like her.
Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
The reason why I say they are not getting any credit in comparision is because they make the same type of music JT does but they have stronger material, stronger vocals, stronger songwriters, use real instruments etc.
Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
JT is backed by a million dollar label he has that advantaged over those other artists but that doesnt necessarily mean he is more talented or artistic despite what the media is marketing. Thats my only criticism.
He has better branding like I mentioned earlier. It is part of the business to be able to brand yourself well.

Also we could use someone like yourself for this thread I created.

We pretty much focus on one album for a certain amount of time. Maybe a week sometimes shorter then write a little mini-review of our thoughts on it. Some of them you may have heard before but it's nice to go back and listen to some great R&B albums you haven't heard in awhile. Also, I will let you pick the next album after our current one.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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