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Old 08-03-2013, 08:28 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
I actually listened to the entire album and my favorite song on the album is Pusher Lover Girl.

I actually have heard the opposite. I have spoken to some hard core JT fans that say its a descent album but it sounds like his previous albums. You cant sit here and honestly argue that Mirrors does not sound like Cry Me a River part II. Timbaland used the same generic beat. Also, if your going to have songs longer than 4 minutes than it better be experimental because there is no point in having unnessary added minutes if there is nothing inspiring going on.

The media was hyping the album WAY to much. Its a descent album but its not innovative or original. Also, alot of the songs do sound like Justified cuts and LS/FS such as Mirrors, Strawberry Bubblegum, Suit and Tie etc. I think it is a descent album and I applaud JT for trying to be some what artistic unlike peers.
Wow we will have to agree to disagree but I don't hear that at all whatsoever. All of the songs on this album sound more mature and have a different sound to them. Most people that like Justified and FS/LS didn't end up liking this album because they felt there weren't enough dancey fast paced songs which he is bringing on the second part of the experience coming in Sept.

Okay, I just re-listened to Mirrors/Cry Me a River back to back and you have a point with that ONE song. Also, I love that the songs are longer. You can just groove to it longer and ride the beat. It doesn't have to have extra things being added in that space of time when you are creating a vibe to flow with.

The reason he's getting so much credit/hype is because the sound that he put out even though it's heavily influenced from greater artists. There are no current artists using this sound because they are too busy leaning heavily on electronica to mix with their R&B.

Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post

, its nothing groundbreaking and he is simply recycling alot of MJs, Stevie, Prince Marvin Gaye late 70s and early 80s output. (Which is baffling that the above poster would imply JT is better than them) ONCE, again he has been doing this since Justified. People say JT is creative but he is very one dimensional in my opinion because he is still stuck in this particular era. I liked to see him do some funky early 70s maybe or implement some rock but he is to caught up in trying to be like his influences instead of striving to be his own artist.
I don't get why people always have an issue with artists using music that influences them in their work to bring it to a new generation/audience. Seriously, stop being stingy with your(not you specifically but people with your mindset usually much older folks) "greats" and let other artists introduce younger people to a sound that they may have not heard of. If the younger audience loves the sound and does some research they will come to find out where he borrowed it from and enjoy those "greats" as well.

Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
There are actually alot of artists now that use real instruments and even play instruments. You should check out my D Angelo thread in the soul/funk forum. He plays all his instruments and writes all his songs. He fuses alot of genres together in his music and his albums dont sound the same.

There are artists today that DO use real instruments in the R&B world that dont get credit. It seems today it is easier for a white male to be successful in the R&B world than black male singers which is unfornate because some of those black singers make far better R&B like Anthony Hamilton, Maxwell, D Angelo and are far stronger vocalist, artist etc.
I don't know why you are saying that those R&B artists aren't getting any credit. Maxwell and Anthony Hamilton have enjoyed their success when their albums have been released. D Angelo, not so much though. I feel like you are on D Angelo's street team lol. You tend to bring him up a lot. I admit I haven't given him a fair shot after he went buck ass naked in a video for attention.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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