Music Banter - View Single Post - Justin Timberlake - The 20/20 Experience
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Old 08-03-2013, 08:18 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post


, its nothing groundbreaking and he is simply recycling alot of MJs, Stevie, Prince Marvin Gaye late 70s and early 80s output. (Which is baffling that the above poster would imply JT is better than them) ONCE, again he has been doing this since Justified. People say JT is creative but he is very one dimensional in my opinion because he is still stuck in this particular era. I liked to see him do some funky early 70s maybe or implement some rock but he is to caught up in trying to be like his influences instead of striving to be his own artist.
Hahah I agree with you realtalk, I gotta say. I was massively disappointed that the album wasn't "fast forward" -- to me, it was 100% rewind. Not bad in and of itself, but I really struggled to feel like it was anything close to cutting edge. Which is what, in my opinion, a pop star of Justin's caliber should be aiming for.

In reference to the bolded bit of your quote, I'm sure Manky will argue with you to the death, so be prepared for an onslaught. His points will also probably be valid. So try to see where he's coming from.

As for me, I'm gonna stay right out of this...
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