'Ello people. We're live from NY and it's Saturday morning. (Actually, it is. I have no idea why I'm awake at 9:06 on a Saturday.)Anyway, my name is Lexxi and obviously, I'm from NY, lol. I'm in 7th grade in lil' old EG (don't ask.)And I'm into computer graphics and design, and screen writing. I actually got a letter back from Stephen King, I can scan it later if you're curious...
Anyway, this will sound terribly cliche`, but my three favorite shows are Sex&The City, American Idol, and Will&Grace. And my three favorite bands are Journey, The Killers, and Greenday.
Maroon 5 isn't bad either, I don't understand why you guys dislike them so. Oh well, that's why they have menus in restraunts I guess. (OMG...I'm quoting Donald Trump again

Lexxi out.