Originally Posted by Engine
Along those lines, I do have a pet peeve in this realm. When you thank somebody for something and instead of saying nothing or just giving a slight nod (both of which are totally acceptable to me), they say "Mhm" or "Sure" or "No Problem" or, god forbid, "No Worries". I'd much rather hear nothing than those meaningless words. I already know I wasn't creating a 'problem' or a 'worry' so just say "You're Welcome" or be humbly quiet.
Originally Posted by Engine
I don't think it's regional, perhaps it depends on the work environment though. My longest professional run was in an industry and company where I was usually the most inexperienced of everybody I worked with, and involved brief relationships with huge numbers of people from all over the country and world, so I became conditioned to see "no problem" as a sign of lack of maturity or experience.
That said, it's not like anyone was actually sincere about their pleasantries - it was all just tradition for tradition's sake in a business where nobody truly cared about anything at all but the bottom line. And to be honest, I hope and intend to never work in an environment like that again.
I tend to use "No worries" a lot. I don't really work in a professional setting though. I'm not sure what I would use in that context. Usually it's in response to someone thanking me for something trivial so the "No worries" is just a way of saying thanks for the thanks but my actions were pretty inconsequential and I'd do it automatically for anyone so no need to thank me really.
On another matter, just something I notice on my morning school runs to drop off my kids. No matter what variations there are getting ready in the morning we always seem to arrive just as the bell is going. The thing is every morning I see the same people arriving seemingly in the same order of lateness. It's like we all have these finely honed routines that ensure we get there for the same late arrival every morning.