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Old 07-31-2013, 03:52 PM   #2581 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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batlrod, manky, yorke - dont take dumb stuff too serious or worry about bein too politicalyl correct, like to joke around and make me lol

chameleon - has been discussing with me, sometimes i think he is misguided but maybe he thinks the same about me but he ahsnt outwardly called me a racist, rapist or child molester yet so big props to him

neo - always chillin in plug with me, plays bad music and hates my music but still makes me lol

briks 0 has bene givin me suggestions on bands and checkin out my journal so hes the bomb

anticipation - came off as real smug to me

crazyvegn - said shes not comin back but i think she will so that will be itneresting to see what happens

thats it for now!!!!
butthead aka 216 is offline