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Old 11-11-2005, 08:04 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default 1 More Sticky For All.

I was thinking we should have a history sticky for each of the music forums.

It could be good in helping people understand the history of that style better.
We all debate where things came from and who pioneered what, so I was thinking if we lay down some cold hard facts about our musics history then people could learn a little more and have a better understanding before they go diving into the threads with a head of ego. Particularly new people, who may not know how their own knowledge weighs up against the knowledge of people who post here regularly.

It could help slow down fights and things also. If someone starts something we could refer them to the history and save ourselves the trouble of making pages and pages of wasted space and effort in an attempt to explain a point.

This would work particularly well for the punk forum and rock forum where people like misfits and boo boo are constantly explaining origins, correctly, to new people who expect reassurance.

Now, about obtaining correct history facts. I suggest starting off with a mod or whoever creates the sticky, to paste a broad article outlining the history. This opening article could come from trusted sources such as Wikipedia. Then, those who would like to add extra information, can do so.

What do you think? I hope no one fell asleep through all of this
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