Originally Posted by duga
I love the Boredoms...they definitely got me into the Japanese experimental scene. Vision Creation Newsun is probably their best but I'd also check out Super Ae.
I haven't posted in here for a while and there are actually quite a few albums that I'm digging:

Foals - Holy Fire
This is my first introduction to Foals and I gotta say, it's pretty damn good. It's got just enough math-rock influence balanced with some really catchy hooks that I stayed interested for pretty much the entire album. It started with me thinking "meh...it's probably just gonna be another guitar-based throwaway album"...and slowly that turned into "damn...this is pretty good". And now I've been listening to it pretty consistently for the last 2 weeks.

Gauntlet Hair - Stills
I was really looking forward to this one as their eponymous debut was one of my favorite indie albums of 2011. There were hooks all over the place and the guitars were reverbed so much you couldn't tell it was just 2 guys. It was right up my alley. It took my quite a few listens to get into this one...they got much darker, went for more atmosphere, and LOT less guitars. They are clearly trying to forge a distinct sound for themselves (as their debut got a lot of Animal Collective comparisons), and while I think it will take another album before they truly find it this one is still pretty good.
Nothing better than listening to a pretty great album constantly for weeks.