So the revamp is complete.
I was going to do it in the fall but I discovered that I could just add things via the edit button. It should be noted that I didn't change anything that would affect someon's comments. That would be uncool.
All I did was add bands to each entry from numbers 140 down to 21, and then some celtic bands underneath the Dropkick Murphys.
I tried to add bands that other people mentioned along the way, so I can't vouch for the quality of all the songs, it's easy to pick good songs when you're familiar with a band, not so, if you're not.
If your favourite bands not on there, all I can say is that the list was never meant to be a discography. If you've been following my editing you might want to go through things again though, as I replaced some bands & added new stuff.
Anyhow, time for me to close the coffin door on punk, and fly off into the sunset, cheers.