Worked a few hours, then took VTO (Voluntary Time Off) when it was offered; we had 80+ people in idle, and I'd not been doing much aside from reading a book and taking a call every ten minutes or so anyway. I seriously read two complete books (A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers; The ****-Up by Arthur Nersesian) in two days of approximately 12 hours combined. That's the kind of downtime we had.
Plus, I only had one book left in my purse, and was afraid that I'd finish it before the day was out and be stuck with nothing to do but doodle.
Also; there have been several explosions in former mines in my city, a few miles from my house, one of which happened this evening. It left the road all kinds of ****ed up. Built up methane gas or something.
Anyway, I've decided to go tomorrow to check out the maps of these mines, to ensure, for my peace of mind if nothing else, that I'm not living on top of that bull****. Also seriously wonder if it's got anything to do with the "earthquake" a few months back.
Interested in seeing how this plays out.
Oh, yeah! Almost forgot to mention; we have had storms for 20 out of the last 30 days, precipitation for 29 of them. There's currently a storm raging. Go weather!
It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung