Originally Posted by Hermione
It's not "Islamic" law, but fundamentalist Islam. Guess who most people picture when you say "Muslim"? Brown people. You see a white woman in a hijab and you don't automatically run out and try to save her from an arranged marriage. However, you see a woman of colour in a Hijab and you think she must be oppressed when it's not even law to wear a Hijab in most places, but the woman is free to choose, as is her right.
First of all, I would just like to say that while I consider the Koran to be barbaric and anti-human, I consider to the Bible and the Torah to be just as bad if not worse. So, I am an equal opportunity anti-Abrahamic religion...ist.
Secondly, you accuse Vanilla of internalized mysogny, and yet muslim women who are wearing the Hijab according to cultural laws created and maintained by men are doing so of their own free will? What about the burka? Not internalized misogyny either?