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Old 07-20-2013, 09:55 AM   #347 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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I recently found out that they're making a series of movies based on the Berserk manga series and I'm stoked. I don't watch/read much anime/manga anymore, but Berserk is one of the few exceptions. Absolutely fantastic series, but the original anime left out the majority of the storyline of the manga and cut a lot of stuff out of what they did adapt. So if they're gonna finally fix that, like the Hellsing OVAs are doing with that series, then I. Am. Stoked.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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