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Old 07-17-2013, 03:40 PM   #7 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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How unfortunate immigration made this mistake. Certainly, encouraging the notion that competitive sedentariness (which is all 'eSports' amounts to) is a sport will do nothing to lessen the obesity epidemic.

Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Explain to me how racing or hunting, or fishing requires more athleticism than eSports.
It boggles the mind that some people honestly think the athleticism required for hunting is similar to that required for sitting in your parents attic in front of a keyboard. Walking among the Badlands hours before dawn, avoiding prairie dog burrows & rattle snakes (among other hazards), setting up on a vantage point. Waiting for hours if not days until the proper Pronghorn presents itself within range. Then, there's the small matter of accounting for wind and the drop of the bullet, and placing the bullet in a vital organ of an animal that can run over fifty miles an hour. Should all this go well, one then must field dress the animal and carry the carcass back to the vehicle.

Have mercy on the poor.
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