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Old 07-14-2013, 05:44 PM   #32 (permalink)
Honey and Salt
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Originally Posted by Hermione View Post
Oh please...

first of all, not everyone can afford to be vegetarian/vegan. You need to recognise your classism here b/c it is blatantly obvious, not to mention some people can't for health reasons so score one on the ableism table!@!!11! Secondly, you really think you're so removed from all animal cruelty? You know your laptop probably has glue made from horses and shit right?

This trendy sort of activism is so grotesque for me to watch unfolding, as if vegetarianism bought you into heaven, good god, do you apply the same reasoning to human beings and do you actively participate in reduction of torture/trafficking of human beings?

What really is awful is that people care more about farm animals than people being butchered or starving or killing themselves

puh lease
First of all Hermione, your argument is strictly presumption, you hadn't once used fact or anything other than two syllabled adjectives to illustrate your frustration with our, "trendy" activism. I honestly laughed so many times reading your arugments, because I just was overwhelmed by how so little I could actually address since many of your points are fruitless.

With that said, let me attempt to attract some attention to you...ahem..."unique" way of rebuttal. Someone who gets THIS frustrated about animal activism is easily read as either insecurity about the choices you make, or simply you foaming at the mouth to chime in on a debate just so you can go to bed feeling like you were heard. But this topic cannot really, justly, be refuted. We're suggesting not to take meat or animal products from your diet or lifestyle (although that would be ideal), we are simply being the voices for those who cannot speak. I strongly believe that if you buy into the corporate devil and support animal products into your life, you should at least know what the creature goes through simply to become an inanimate "product". That's called compassion, and it cannot be twisted into anything other than that.

In regards to your comment about activists being so aggresive because maybe it makes us feel better about ourselves (then referencing us using that as motive to find justification for our place in "heaven"), I personally deny all gods an deity, so that cannot apply to me. I am an activist not because it makes me feel better, hell, not even because it makes the animals feel better, but because I feel that there is no reason for torture in order to obtain. Call that idea of mine, grotesque, but it is a moral passion of activists. You using an adjective that suggests ill behavior or value simply deems you immature.

But please.....go on.

Addressing your use of the word, "classism", I am happy to see that you know how to add distinctive doctrine to a word, but your use of it simply doesn't fit. Vegetarianism and Veganism is a choice, nothing forced upon anyone in any class. And actually, I find that I spend less at the grocery store when I do not purchase meat products.
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