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Old 07-14-2013, 11:35 AM   #1 (permalink)
Phantom Limb
Chocolate Homunculus
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Default Earthlings (The Film)

About a year ago I started phasing meat out of my diet. Approximately 6 months ago I became a vegetarian. I am currently working on phasing all animal products out of my life but it may take a while since I'm in love with cheese and cheesecake :/ However, this is not about me. This is about animals and what I believe is the most important documentary ever made.

Earthlings has very much changed how I view the world. I had already stopped eating meat by the time I had seen it, but my eyes were opened to how truly fucked up the world is. It chronicles the inner workings (in respect to animals) of the entertainment, food, and fur industries. It is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix and the soundtrack is provided by Moby, who's music fits surprisingly well. It is hands down the most disturbing movie I have ever seen, especially when you realize that this kind of thing happens every day, all day, and most likely will never stop.

I'm really hoping that some of you will give this movie a go. It's only 90 minutes, and at the very least I'd like you to see what kind of pain and suffering is required to give you hamburgers, pepperoni, chicken, leather, suede, etc. In the words of Shaun Monson, the director of Earthlings:

"You must not deny with your eyes what they must endure with their bodies"

I know that I have become another one of "those annoying vegetarians", but I haven't felt this passionate about something like this in a long time and the biggest problem facing this issue is that people are willfully ignorant. I'd be extremely happy if even just one person watched this documentary. It's free to watch and the link is at the top of the thread. Thanks.

PS. The movie only contains things that happen regularly, no outliers.
PPS. My girlfriend talked to Shaun Monson on Facebook, that's where I got the quote.
PPPS. If you don't separate yourself from the equation you are actively supporting this kind of torture.
Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
Hip Hop generally bores me now I just listen to stuff I know will be slightly interesting.


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Last edited by Phantom Limb; 07-14-2013 at 11:58 AM.
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