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Thread: The Bitch Box
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Old 07-13-2013, 10:09 AM   #12468 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
What about regular sized moths? Is anyone scared of those?

I was never able to quite wrap my head around a fear of moths. So much so that this girl I was seeing for a little while, when she told me, with a fear in her face and vouice, that there was a moth in the room and asked if I could get rid of it, I told her to man up because I didn't think she was being serious.

She didn't appreciate that.
I'm guessing that relationship didn't last long... why didn't you take the opportunity to be her big male protector and earn brownie points??
Originally Posted by Zer0 View Post
Dear moths, crane flies and midgets,

Please get the hell out of my room so I can sleep in peace without one of you guys landing on my face or slapping yourselves against the window pane in some foolhardy attempt to escape. Yes I left the window open because it's warm, no I didn't leave it open as an invitation for you little buggers to just mosey on in.

Yours truly,

God, no! I hate it when those little people walk into your room and start turning on the TV, eating crisps and going through your CD collection! Damn midgets! Midges, now, not so bad....
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Alright, I'm in the library using the computer, and some annoying ass ****head mother has a kid with her who is standing next to her RIGHT THE **** NEXT TO ME and who apparently has no gripe about standing right up against me. I move, and he takes it as his cue to take up even more space. The mother doesn't seem to care either. Even as I obviously am moving to give myself space between me and her dumb**** kid she doesn't seem to notice. I realize that she wants to keep an eye on her child, which is great, but unless you've been raised by retarded wolves you should have the manners to not force your child into someone else's personal space. I also realize that the child is probably all of eight-ten years of age, but he's old enough to have some manners of his own. It's been awhile since I've wanted to strike a child. It's a good feeling.
You should have taken out your phone, said "No I'm NOT on the sex offender's register, not any more! I CAN control it! It's just when I see a kid I get all ... oh hold on..."! She'd have snatched her kid back double-quick then!
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