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Old 07-13-2013, 08:54 AM   #5 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
It looks cool. I'm a little disappointed that it's present day though.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I have no idea why people liked IV. It was ****. The strong storyline was cool and all, but after it was over the game became pointless. There was nothing really to do after all the missions were done. The only reason to keep it going is if you shelled out for the DLC. This looks like the game that should have followed San Andreas: a giant sandbox world that, if there is any justice, will be even bigger than the original, with even more pointless crap to steal days of your life. That's the entire reason that San Andreas ruled. I could go wander around in the backwoods, or a desert, or just plain drive around on the miles and miles of highways. What could I do in Liberty City? **** all, that's what.

And they brought back planes! Awesome! And I don't remember if they took tanks out of IV, but I don't seem to remember them. And you can have clothes that don't look like an old man's. Seriously, I ****ing hated the clothing in IV. I don't even know why they bothered.

All that crap is why I traded in my copy of IV and got the new Saints Row instead. Never regretted it either. This game looks like it may help Rockstar reclaim the throne.
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