Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
The Ramones presented a humorous side of punk which was quite distinct to the more aggressive and chaotic British model (not all the British bands were like that of course) For this reason anybody wanting to study the punk movement of this time, London and New York present a great contrast and a third contrast would probably be the Australian scene of this time as well.
Yeah definitely true, but I still count that as completely punk though. The Ramones to me are a bit of "we're sh**, let's party" as opposed to Pistols humour of "everything's s**t, let's break more s**t"
I still think we had good humoured punk bands though, although I know there is contention over whether the Stranglers are punk or not, I always thought they were initially and also, pretty funny. But yeah, totally agree with the chaotic nature of British punk and the politicalisation of part of the movement too which seemed to be missing elsewhere. As for Australia, I really know sweet F/A about that scene but it doesn't surprise me they're overlooked, the poor buggers often are.