Originally Posted by Nurse Duckett
I have a theory on what the problem might be, I could be wrong but lets give it a go.
My opinion on when punk started seems to be similar to Unknown Soldier and Urban Hatemongers opinion on this subject, and I think I'm right in saying we're all Limeys. The people who don't seem to agree with us appear to be American, I could be wrong, I don't know who anyone is in here. I have noticed over the last couple of decades that America seems to be obsessed with genres...
To be honest, isn't it probably just as simple as that? Nationality and what people grew up in/with or were influenced by after the movement? My sister was about 11 in 78 and is vehement Punk is a British invention. I tend to think the culture and style and
movement really developed over here, but given I wasn't around/don't pay all that much attention to genre history, I'm only going on opinion. The Ramones, while I don't care for them, were playing punk before Lydon joined the pistols so I can understand any argument for them being the first punk band. But as others have said, I don't think their influence was anywhere near that of the Pistols and asides from them I don't think there was too much going on in New York at the time. An American from that time or who knows that time (a lot better) will probably disagree with that. In either case I really don't see how it can go back before 74/75 though.