Originally Posted by Plankton
I have no idea where I got this picture, and it may not be the "Geekiest" looking band, but there's something to be said about a bunch of chicks that look like they might have dicks.

I don't think these three are humans. I'm fairly certain they're aliens barely pretending to be humans,
Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus
This thread is all about who might be the SECOND geekiest looking band if you ask me. The winner is clear and uncontested IMO

If "geeky" suddenly means "very likely to molest, strangle, and bury you in a shallow grave," then I COMPLETELY agree, these dudes are INCREDIBLY geeky,
Originally Posted by Necromancer
Power Pickers of the '60's. RIDGERUNNERS.

Actually... I kinda think these guys are stylish. Is this just me?