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Old 07-08-2013, 12:01 PM   #52 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
But you have to draw the line somewhere otherwise we'd be saying electronica was started in the stone age.

Like I said before punk didn't just suddenly exist, it evolved. And it became punk in London in 1976. Before that point it's still evolving.

Think of it like this, Your are counted as a person from when you came out of your mother. Not from the moment you were created in your Daddy's nutsack.
Why does any line have to be drawn? And no we wouldnt say it started int he stone age we would say it started whenever the first band/artist who made music that fit entirely inside the boundaries of what we now consider electronic.

I wouldnt consider sperm a person just like I wouldnt consider bb king blues rock, but the later Hendrix/Cream/BlueCheer just that. Why? because a fetus or seman is not counted as a person by todays standards. You admitted yourself that the music existed but just didnt have a label yet.

I think the debate we are now having is that if something fits within a genere but that genre hasn been labeled or publicly accepted/created yet is it ok to still consider it part of the genre in hindsight. I would say yes.
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