Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife
Y'all are probably thinking of Todd Akin, the guy who was spewing some crap about "legitimate rape". However, he is a Senator from Missouri, not Texas.
Yeah, Texas politicians promote a lot of backwards thinking, but dont forget about people like Wendy Davis, who for 12 hours filibustered the passing of a law that would have virtually removed women's rights to choose to have an abortion.
There are a lot of backwards thinkers by the standards of many people on these boards, but there are plenty of forward thinkers too.
In conclusion, I would like to say Texas rocks.
The end.
My bad, NSW, I'm not really up with what's happening in US politics!
I would agree that a lot of awesomeness has come from Texas

Some places just get a bad rap, and a load of stereotypes attached to them.
Sorta like how I ride a kangaroo to work and live in the outback.