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Thread: Last Bought
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Old 06-30-2013, 12:25 PM   #1618 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Went into my local Guitar Center to check out mandolins and saw this new Gretsch banjo they had just gotten in stock. I could not believe the sound quality, a nice loud, warm, and round tone that was miles better than my Mitchell. The price was only about $70 more than what that cost me, and I was still within my 60 day return period, so I rushed home, grabbed that Mitchell banjo and my old Vox amp, returned the Mitchell and sold them the amp and now I have an absolutely beautiful banjo that I will never get rid of.

Something just came over me earlier this week and I really wanted to get a mandolin, and apparently everyone else did as well because when I went into Guitar Center yesterday the two cheaper ones I was looking at were gone and I wasn't that interested in any other Mitchell brand products. It definitely sounds great but holy crap are those strings ever hell on my fingers. I also wish it would stay in tune better and it's making me wonder if I got a defective product, but I'll give it a week before I decide to return it for another one.
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