Originally Posted by Mojo
Onslaught reformed in 2004. I went to see them on their tour for 2011s Sounds of Violence, which I think is brilliant.
Holy ****, that's awesome! I've never even listened to their eighties stuff. Just one of those bands that feel through the cracks. I'm gonna have to rectify that soon. I'm doing a series of new old school thrash albums in my second journal, and I'm gonna have to do these guys now. I love bands like Exodus and the post-thrash/groove metal influence that they've taken on, but it's good to see a band that can sound modern but still have that unfiltered 80's speed metal thing going on. ****ing fantastic.
Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
2010 was a good year for new releases from old bands, and good releases at that.
Overkill - Ironbound
Heathen - The Evolution Of Chaos
Exodus - Exhibit B: The Human Condition
Anacrusis - Hindsight: Suffering Hour & Reason Revisited
Death Angel - Relentless Retribution
Sodom - In War And Pieces
I've been meaning to see if any of these guys have put out anything since then to see if the goodness continues.
I had no idea Anacrusis had reformed. I guess they were just too obscure to get much attention these days. So, are those rerecordings?