Originally Posted by Blarobbarg
After living in Nicaragua and making friends with kids who don't have shoes, shirts, or food, and live in piles of trash (quite literally), I will never again consider myself poor, no matter how little I own. From now on, if I own a car, have more than one outfit, are capable of eating more than once a day, and have a roof over my head, I am rich.
Yeah I have to agree... I have seen poverty true poverty I lived in Kenya and I was devastated by what I saw row after row of trash bag houses, or people eating termites outta the ground.. that's poverty...
I have been poor by US standards, and I have been rich by US standards... and you know being rich was not all it was cracked up to be, I just want to have a roof, food, and every once and a while, be able to buy something that strikes my bizarre fancy...