Originally Posted by djchameleon
The states that easily win by a large landslide and go to the Republican party seem to be the main culprits that push so hard for Voter ID laws. I'm not saying open the flood gates completely but there has to be a half way point as you suggest. It should be acceptable bring in say a paystub with your name on it showing you pay taxes, whatever id you have and a bill from your residence. There are people there when you vote to check on things like that to help prevent fraud if need be.
I'm not saying one side has more to gain or lose than the other, and it shouldn't even be about that. I'm saying that regardless of who would gain, voting is a right afforded to citizens. When you can't verify that, it's simply a right afforded to whoever, left or right, which doesn't do much for the integrity of our system.
As for it being acceptable to bring in a paystub showing you pay taxes... how is that going to help people that don't work at all and are on disability or welfare, or whose only source of income is SSI? They don't pay anything but sales tax. Do you expect them to bring in receipts for a year's worth of purchases? An illegal could do that too.
I realize that these people are likely to be citizens, but it's not helping them to need paystubs or tax forms. And it's not providing further security against fraud to also include "some form of ID" along with a bill, since undocumented individuals DO live in the country, and they are paying bills SOMEHOW. (Cash maybe?)
If we were to actually implement your solution, we'd have to disregard the tax part based on the whole concept alone. Then we'd be left with the other parts that defeat the whole purpose of your ill-conceived plan to prevent fraud while making it easier for the disenfranchised to vote.
And still, you've not even considered the idea that maybe we can require proper ID, and simply spend some of our government-abused tax dollars for getting this identification to individuals that cannot afford it with just their welfare checks alone?
I don't see how this is so inconceivable.