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Old 06-25-2013, 04:10 AM   #214 (permalink)
I sleep in your hat
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Originally Posted by Newkie View Post
Ah really? Thanks for that, never been on prescribed antidepressants of any sort before though. I was a bit sleep deprived so could explain the hallucinations I'd guess about 34 hours awake when it started, not that long though and I've never had that on its own before-luckily no demons though! It was basically just what seemed to be sharp movement across the room so just figured it was part of the paranoia you get with anxiety. I know why I was anxious as I found out some stuff which had messed me for a few years, but at the time it felt more like a relief than a problem? Then about 8 hours after it kicked in, I would have assumed if it was anxiety it would have kicked in straight away?
I guess it combined with the sleep deprivation. That can have pretty major effects on the brain.
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