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Old 06-23-2013, 09:19 AM   #3 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
So you are basically attempting to teach people to cold read but your second example is way off base. You read the second situation(airport one) wrong even if it was your own example that you made up.
And that reaction tells me something about you.

Aside from that, reading body language is not an exact science. You can easily be wrong and most body language is very subtle and hard to pick up. It takes practice. These things are indicators but there is no certainty in what they indicate which is why you need to observe multiple signs before concluding much of anything. Could I be wrong about that girl I saw? Sure. Was I? Probably not. Aside from her inability to stop bouncing her foot more and more aggressively, her bf/hubby just sat there absorbed in the article he was reading, not noticing her at all. That told me right there what the problem was: she wants to leave him because he locks her out. She was symbolically stalking angrily away from him.

I also don't agree with your liberal use of the term cult but I know it's a bit subjective.
A cult is an organization, i.e. a certain group of people who are united in order to reach a specific goal. That covers the religion, the military, a gang, a fan club, a union, a corporation. All of these are cults and have individuals within them that often exhibit cultish behavior. The higher up they are in rank in that organization, the more cultish they tend to be. Cults often have their own form of language, their own rhetoric that means nothing to outsiders. Ha! Go join the military!

I'm sure when a union worker screams obscenities and flips the bird at people who cross a picket line, he thinks he is doing it to score one for the working man but he is doing it because he belongs to a cult that promotes such behavior as a way of intimidating those who might otherwise obstruct that cult's goals.

The company EDS when it was run by Ross Perot WAS a cult in every sense of the word. Managers were even taught to observe the body language of employees in order to assess their performance. One woman was invited out by her supervisor to lunch. She ordered a burger. When it arrived, she salted it before eating it. Later that day, she received a memo informing that she was now on a probationary period for salting her burger before tasting because that demonstrates that she acts impulsively and may therefore not be suitable for employment at EDS. Managers were also encouraged to smell the breath of employees who had gone out to lunch to ensure that they had not been drinking. They would call you into their office and you had to submit to breathing in their face so they could smell your breath. Yeah, no kidding. And some managers got off on doing that stuff because Ross Perot, Our Great Leader, ordained that it should be so. A cult, pure and simple.

In fact, cults are often set up like corporations. They are divided into districts or regions and put under a district chief or a regional head and these answer to a board or council that have jurisdiction over them and the council answers to the Our Great Leader who hold dominion over all. In a true sense, all of us belong to some kind of cult or other.

Targeted advertising that has the effect of planting an image in your head so when you see that image you want to buy said product isn't "cult-ish". It is a mild form of brainwashing.
It goes far deeper than that. ANY time you get a craving for a bag of potato chips or a soda or a chocolate bar or a pizza or whatever, you think that this is your craving. It isn't. It is implanted in you and it can manifest itself at ANY time not just when you see that product.

Even when you rebel against those in control, they are controlling you. In fact, they LOVE you for rebelling! They market a line just for your rebellious ass. You live as much within the bounds of society as the mindless sheeple you disparage but you are no different. In fact, you are providing the next trend, the next fortune for them to reap so they watch you very closely. Remember when punk was truly against the mainstream when everything was DIY? What happened? Enough kids got into it that it became the next big thing. It's always that way. It's really the hipsters that drive consumerism. If this is not so--explain rap, once street kids spinning records in abandoned warehouses on a Saturday night but now a multi-billion dollar a year industry.

Yes, it is brain-washing and it is VERY cultish. You're working to make someone high above you very rich and you are doing his bidding whether you think you are or not. And these people you think you're dismissing as sheeple are really your fellow cultists and you are as brainwashed as them.
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