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Old 06-16-2013, 08:15 PM   #6 (permalink)
I sleep in your hat
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Models - Cut Lunch (1981)

Those who know of Models through their later James Freud penned single releases Out of Mind, Out of Sight and Barbados are in for a bit of a culture shock. Cut Lunch was recorded as an earlier EP when Sean Kelly was at the helm. A quirky collection of kind of post punk/ new wavy tracks bridging the gap between their home made pop-y debut Alphabravocharliedeltaechofoxtrotgolf and their second album Local &/or General which kind of built on the direction of Cut Lunch.

Tracks are built around an odd sort of disjointed bass/synth core with Kelly's strained and abstract vocals angrily interjecting with the guitar.

Kind of hard to rate this one but a sentimental favourite of mine. I recommend this album to anyone with any interest in post-punk. Objectively I'd give it around 6.5 - 7 but stylistically I think it's really a unique snapshot of the period.

Edit: Fixed dead link.

Last edited by Stephen; 07-21-2014 at 08:50 PM.
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